Don't Talk to Me about Hitler's Struggle

Hitler sells. And more than the average historical dictator. More than Mao, Stalin, or even Napolean.  When you say Hitler, people listen.  If you want to get someone’s attention, you can say Hitler instead of “Excuse me”.  His name is like a curse word.  If you say it, you better be comfortable with whom you are around.  Fortunate is it that his name wasn’t something actually common, or people might be shuddering at the sound of the name Johnson.  There are some, of course, who do not shudder upon hearing this name, and might instead have the opposite reaction, feeling adoration.  Their ears surely perk up upon hearing this simple two-syllable, six-letter word, and for them the word means something different, something positive.  There may be no other spoken word which is so immediately divisive, and that means people will pay attention to it.  Hitler is a product that people cannot refuse to buy.  He sells.  The funny thing is that, unlike most of the tyrannical rulers throughout history, Hitler actually sold literally, and well. His book Mein Kampf ("My Struggle") was published in 1925.  Like most books written by politicians, it contains a presentation of his platform, and an attempt to program it subtly by promoting his own self.  Its immediate success illustrates that even well before World War II, well before his rise to power, his quest for world domination, the Reich, the Holocaust, and his mysterious death, people were interested in Hitler.  Today, due to surging world population, more people know the name than ever before, and it is possible that more people than ever support him.  Even those who wish that he had never been born still say that his memory should last forever.

World War II took place well after The Code had begun in America.  Every piece of national media, every film, every television show, every book and magazine, every news piece and advertising slogan was written according to it, as it is up until this day.  Even during the first half of the last century, every initial, letter and number was a conscious decision made by the men and women who controlled our Western media, as it is now.  They possessed complete control of American media and exercised that power by enforcing their secret code upon it.  In today’s Germany, that is also true.  The Legion have the power to control current German media, so they do. However, it is unclear that German media, disrupted by the first World War, adhered to the code.  Media was not centralized, governance was scattered, and priorities elsewhere.  Hitler’s Germany may have been similar to contemporary North Korea or Cuba, both of which seem sheltered from the Western-appearing Illuminati enforcing their will.  In America, a lack of serious turmoil allowed Government-Media-Legion control to become total.

As in the case of Nikola Tesla, there are several theories regarding Hitler’s understanding of the code.  It is possible that he was indoctrinated into the inner circle of those who know the code and use it to their advantage.  The Legion are a worldwide organization, so one must expect their membership to have extended to Nazi ranks.  Moreover, there have been attempts to connect Hitler and Nazism to mysticism and the paranormal, so their interest in an esoteric subject such as The Code follows.  It is also possible that he did not know anything about the code, either due to his lack of exposure to it or inability to recognize it.  If the latter is the case, then it is not unreasonable to connect the man’s psychotic tendencies to frustration felt by not registering the pattern in front of him.  The Code effects every person it touches, as it has for the past century.  The more it is absorbed by the consciousness, the greater the affect.  For some persons, the reaction is positive, or negligible.  In some extreme cases, however, it can have devastating psychological effects, prompting feelings of anger and confusion.  If Hitler was constantly seeing the code and not recognizing the pattern, it could have been responsible for accelerating his aggression.  Alternatively, it is also possible that Hitler did know about the code's use in America, disapproved of it, and responsively waged his war against the world in an effort to punish whomever he felt responsible.

Regardless of all these hypotheses, it is undeniable that Mein Kampf adheres to the code.  The code's main "Rule of 3" is that the majority of initials of media titles are either "3" letters, C (3), F (6), I (9), M (13), P (16),  S (19), W (23), and Z (26), or strengthening letters A (1), B (2), J (10), K (11) and T (20), in order to prescribe the "3" group power.  The remaining letters are used only in appropriate situations, less often and not in conjunction with the catalyst group.  M.K. (13-11) follows the "Rule of 3" as the combination of a "3" letter, M (13), and a catalyst K (11).  History tells us that this title was actually suggested to Hitler by his publisher, which suggests his lack of understanding.  It is possible that this individual understood the code and made certain it was employed in a publication which was to become so important.

According to the code, every letter and its corresponding number have a specific symbolism, generally related to the most common, important words beginning with that letter.  For M (13), that word is inarguably Man.  As a more rare letter, K (11) is more difficult, but if we consider J (10) as symbolic of the idea of Perfection, than K (11) can be seen to represent the idea of Super-Perfection.  Basically, in code-speak, M.K. connects Man and Super-Perfection.  One of Hitler's most important doctrines was the idea of the Uber-Mensh, the "above-man" epitomized by the Aryan race, which M.K. (13-11) seems to channel directly.  M.K. (13-11) is a common initial pairing used by the code in media.  The ultra-violent video game series Mortal Kombat uses a trick spelling in order to appropriately use the same initials.  It is also no coincidence that the clandestine American CIA operation MK Ultra uses the same initials.

Hitler also referenced something known in English as “The Final Solution”, superficially meaning the genocide of all non-Aryan races, however seemingly also a reference to The Code itself, which will bring about a new era of humanity.  T.F.S. (20-6-19) follows the “Rule of 3” as the combination of “3” letters F (6) and S (19) with catalyst T (20).  Although a translation of “Endlösung”, as a prominent slogan the English version may been written by a powerful person with the code in mind.

It’s unfortunate that Hitler’s legacy includes experience as a mass murderer, despot, war criminal, as well as author, because it suggests that psychopaths like to write.  Also unfortunate is it that this article about books include so much about a person so widely despised.  The above is not meant to appeal to racists or Hitler supporters.  It is meant to further understanding of The Code’s importance throughout the last century, which it used as the gateway to the next age.  Perhaps in the new era, when everyone understands the truths of The Code, there will be no need to talk of Hitler, so no one will.  Each of the following is among the best-selling books ever, and follows the "Rule of 3".

Charlotte's Web, published in 1952, 50 million copies sold, must be mentioned immediately.  C.W. (3-23) is among the most vital initial combinations.  The combination of two "3" letters follows the "Rule of 3".  The code is a web woven with mathematics.  

The Color Purple, published in 1982, equals T.C.P. (20-3-16).  C (3) and P (16) are "3" letters strengthened by the catalyst T (20).

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. T.W.M. (20-23-13) also follows the "Rule of 3".  W (23) and M (13) are "3" letters strengthened by the catalyst T (20).

A Separate Peace by John Knowles.  The well-known coming-of-age novel moves to A.S.P. (1-19-6).  The primary letter A (1) strengthens the "3" letters S (19) and P (16)

The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells follows the "Rule of 3" as T.I.M. (20-9-13), the combination of "3" letters I (9) and M (13) with catalyst T (20).  Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man follows the "Rule of 3" as I.M. (20-9-13), the combination of "3" letters I (9) and M (13).

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. T.F.A. = 20-6-1.  10 million copies sold.  F (6) is strengthened by T (20) and A (1).

Who Moved My Cheese? (by Spencer Johnson, published in 1998, 26 million copies sold) is one of those delicious examples of a seemingly stupid, silly title designed to distract attention from its obvious adherence to the code.  W.M.M.C (23-13-13-3) follows the "Rule of 3" as all "3" letters.  Maybe you've never heard of it, but it's one of the best-selling books of all time.

Wind In The Willows by Kenneth Grahame.  W.I.T.W = 23-9-20-23.  It's vitally important that children's books follow the code exactly, especially the "3" rule.  If you have a child in your life, take a look at their books and see if you can't tell how blatant the code is operating recently.

Chicken Soup For The Soul, a series which has sold over 500 million copies worldwide, is a subtle reference to the code itself, as a mystical force which spurs creativity.  C.S.F.T.S. = 3-19-6-20-19.  C (3), F (6) and S (19) are "3" letters catalyzed by T (20).

Wild Swans by Jung Chang, released in 1992, 10 million copies sold.  The eminent W.S. bond moves to 23-19.  The Wanting Seed, by Anthony Burgess is the same example.  T.W.S. = 20-23-19.

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger sold nearly 3 million copies and spawned a film adaptation.  T.T.T.W. (20-20-20-23) is the combination of "3" letter W (23) and catalyst T (20).

A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engle sold 14 million copies sold.  A.W.I.T. (1-23-9-20) is the combination of "3" letters I (9) and W (23) with catalysts A (1) and T (20).

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield was published in 1993 and went on to sell 23 million copies.  T.C.P. (20-3-16) follows the code as the combination of "3" letters and a catalyst.

Midnight's Children, the Salman Rushdie novel, follows the "Rule of 3" as M.C. (13-3).

Miracle Worker, the Helen Keller biography and film follows the "Rule of 3" as T.M.W. (20-13-23).  "3" letters M (13) and W (23) are combined with catalyst T (20).

Perry Mason was a book series with over 300 million copies sold.  P.M. = 16-13.  Frank Merriwell was another book series which sold 125 million copies.  F.M. = 6-13.  Fictional character names also use the code.

Fear Street was a R.L. Stein horror series which sold 80 million copies.  F.S. (6-19) follows the "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letters F (6) and S (19).

Now let's look at books which use parameters ancillary to the code's main "Rule of 3".  Everything in the mass media is titled with extreme purpose, to possess a subversive meaning.  The Christian book series Left Behind, 65 million copies sold, is an example of the eminent L.B. (12-2) bond, which is common because the ratio created between the 12th and 2nd letters is 6.  The Lovely Bones, 10 million copies sold, and the utopian novel Looking Backward work the same.

Goodnight Moon, the children's book, 16 million copies sold, and The Ginger Man, 50 million copies sold, are both examples of the immensely important G.M. (7-13) bond, which is a statement about the relationship between God and Man.

Lord of the Rings can be reduced to the eminent L.R. (12-18) bond, which simplifies to .666 through ratio.  Logan's Run uses the same pairing, common because it implies the "Number of the Beast".

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, 15 million copies sold, is an interesting example because of its use of noun-phrases.  It should be read "how to W.F. (23-6) and I.P. (9-16)".  What these letter-pairs signify is open to conjecture, but being all "3" letters they indicate masculinity, strength, and confidence.

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, a seminal work of the 1990s, 50 million copies sold, is an interesting encoded comment on the sexes.  It should be read as "men are from M, women are from V", or alternatively, "men are F.M., women are F.V."  The 13th letter M is left-leaning and masculine, while the 22nd letter V is right-leaning and feminine, making this an effective, terse and accurate observation.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, another self-help book (25 million copies sold), is a good example of numbers being used as adjectives.  Consider the statement of this title to be "highly effective people have [godly, good, gracious] habits".  The Five People You Meet In Heaven, 10 million copies sold, uses this same tactic.  The corollary statement would be "the people you meet in heaven are [energetic, eager, excited]."

It cannot be coincidence that three of the last century's most influential dystopian novels also contain numbers:  Catch 22, 1984, and Fahrenheit 451.  The last century has been the epoch of the letter and the number.  The authors of these great works knew about this code, they knew about the great significance of their titles, they knew how their novels would fit into the grand scheme going on around them. These tragic views of the future are titled with extreme purpose.  Unfortunately for our purposes, they are not clearly decipherable according to the rules of the code.  However, the presence of numbers in their titles is enough to suggest a greater meaning.  Atlas Shrugged follows the "Rule of 3" as A.S. (1-19) and Animal Farm does as A.F. (1-6).

Like everything distributed in the massive Illuminati-controlled media, books must be titled according to the principals of The Code.  Books, in comparison to Movies, Albums, Songs, and Slogans, are often more complicated usages of the code simply because the amount of titles released is consistently much greater.  The less entries in a type of media, the less the sophistication of their adherence to the code.  Every year, only about a hundred mainstream movies are actually widely released worldwide or in America, so the ways which they fit the code are simpler and more easily deciphered.  There are only twenty to thirty teams in the professional sports leagues, so their names are perhaps the most obvious of any examples.  Conversely, there are thousands of songs released on major-label albums every year, and though every one of them must follow the precepts of the code, the most prominent singles are more likely to simply follow the "Rule of 3".  Others will fit the code by reflecting their initials in the temperament of the song.  For example, a song titled with the initials E.R. (5-18) will be written to exemplify sonically the symbolism of these two letters combined. While E.R. does not follow the "Rule of 3", the combination of these two letters of the right-sided group maintains the consonance of the code.

This usage of the code is applied to the thousands of books which are released every year by Illuminati-controlled publishing houses. There isn't a book which you've heard of that wasn't subject to Illuminati censorship, or authorship.  So-called "indie" publishers are in fact operated independently by Illuminati members who nonetheless must follow the Illuminati's rules and regulations regarding content.  Mid-level to corporate-sized publishers are of course led and controlled by members.  So, there isn't any level of publishing which isn't under the watchful gaze of the all-seeing eye. Even the many scholarly and scientific publications released through universities, though not widely read, are regulated.  Control of academia is important to the Illuminati's master plan.  Like all other fields, it is led by luminaries. There are literally thousands of Illuminati members who have infiltrated the highest level of the American workforce to impose their will.  All across the nation, Illuminati leaders at colleges and universities publish works which support their group's goals.  In turn, students and laymen professors will change their viewpoints.  These works may not even actually reflect the true opinion of their authors.  Instead, they reflect the opinions that the Illuminati want to be held by the people.  That their titles follow the rules of the Code is not as important as their content reflecting the Illuminati's goal to gradually change public opinions.  As the saying goes, "don't rock the boat, don't make waves". In the past century, Illuminati members have known not to veer outside of their lane, not to make statements which might interfere with the master end-goal of the Illuminati. They understand the rules of the game, and if they want to be successful, they'll play it happily.