Why did Bob Dylan cross Highway 61?

One of last century's most important music albums is Bob Dylan's Highway 61 Revisited, released in 1965.  Why should this album be called Highway 61 Revisited?  Very simply, because it is not called Highway 71 Revisited.  This site exists to explain the secret letter-number code which has been embedded throughout the entirety of mass media for the last century. A basic principal of the code is that 6, a number which symbolizes Earthly Happiness, is given more attention and importance than 7, a number which symbolizes Godly Ether.  The presence of the number 61 in this album title asserts its dominance.

Another important precept of the code is that letters are used in combination with those of the same group.  The alphabet can be divided into three distinct groups: First, "3 letters" contain a multiple of 3 according to their place in the alphabet.  Second, "catalysts" strengthen whatever they are combined with: A (1), B (2), J (10), K (11) and T (20).  Third, everything remaining is part of the "right sided" group.  H (8) and R (18), both this sort of letter, are commonly combined because consonance, rather than dissonance, is created between them.  For example, Houston Rockets, Rebel Heart (Madonna album), "Holiday Road" (song), Heroes Reborn and Run's House.  
Hence, the combination of "Highway" and "Revisited" in this album title.  

The album contains "Like A Rolling Stone", which many people consider among the most influential song recordings.  L.A.R.S. (12-1-18-19) is an initial group of great noteworthiness.  L.R. (12-18) is a vital pairing because the 12th and 18th letters create the ratio of two-thirds, or .666 repeating, the number of the beast.  In this case, there is an A (1) inserted in between, which is a common tactic used by the code ("Like A Rock").  The result of the inserted A (1) is a dichotomy of responses.  The audience could either read L.A.R. as related to .666, or flip the order to R.L., which is ostensibly the exact opposite of the number of the beast.  So, this three-letter combination causes either positive or negative neurological effects in those whom it contacts.  The code magnifies one's inherent personality.  It scares the sensitive and enlivens the strong.

The last two initials of the song title are R.S. (18-19). The code prefers to ascend, rather than descend, between adjacent letters, so R.S. is common, while S.R. is rare.  Just consider the most popular band of the 20th century, "The Rolling Stones", and one of the most popular albums by The Beatles, Rubber Soul.  This title could alternatively be read as "Like a R.S.", meaning a person who is the embodiment of this letter combination.

So these two songs, two of the most popular of all time, "Like A Rolling Stone", and "Highway 61 Revisited" are doused in the symbolism of the code.  Also consider, the album has just 9 songs, but 2 of them actually contain the number 6.  The other is "From A Buick 6", which basically moves to F.A.B.F.  (6-1-2-6) because the F is the sixth letter.  This group of initials follows the "Rule of 3", strengthening F through combination with the primary letters A and B.

Because Dylan's body of work is so extensive, his use of the code is somewhat buried throughout his career.  There are still many remarkable examples which easily follow the code's main principal, the "Rule of 3".  As the initials of works, letters containing a multiple of 3 according to their place in the alphabet are greatly over-used, and paired with the strengthening letters A, B, D, J (10) and T (20).  Among Dylan's works which follow this form are the singles "Maggie's Farm" (M.F. = 3-6), "Blowin' In The Wind" (B.I.T.W. = 2-9-20-23), "All Along The Watchtower" (A.A.T.W. = 1-1-20-23), and "It Ain't Me Babe" (A.I.M.B. = 1-9-13-2).  "Positively 4th Street" is a title whose mystique is veiled beneath the secrecy of the code.  P (16) and S (19) are "3" letters which are strengthened, either by T (20), as in "fourth", or D (4).  The "Rule of 3" is also utilized on the albums Planet Waves (P.W. = 16-23) Self Portrait (S.P. = 19-16), Slow Train Coming (S.T.C. = 19-20-3), Modern Times (M.T. = 13-20), and Fallen Angels (F.A. = 6-1).  His Traveling Wilburys (T.W. = 20-23) supergroup is yet another example of a silly sounding name which hides a statement of actual importance.

So forget "Like A Rolling Stone".  The greatest song of all time doesn't even make a sound.  It is the soliloqy of geometry, the poem of letters and numbers which the Illuminati have been serenading us all with for over a century, without our even knowing it.  So, why did the chicken cross the road?  To get to the other side.