So Cereal: Occultism in American Nostalgia

To many people, concepts related to the occult are foreign, as well as perhaps stupid, confusing, or personally offensive.  The zealot American Judeo-Christian is unsure whom to levy greater judgement upon, the atheist or fringe believer.  Upon immediate thought, one of several images might come to mind.  The witches and warlords are gathered around a crystal ball, conjuring some spell, probably with ill intent.  The voodoo master is practicing black magic, throwing dice, examining entrails and making interpretations.  The elite are in their darkened robes, standing in a circle, chanting deeply.  The modern solitary practitioner is siting at their sigil, hoping to emanate good fortune for themselves, their family or friends.  The content believer is quietly basking in the metaphysical world.  Despite the disparity of these preconceptions, the life of even the most mundane seeming American citizen has been forcibly entrenched with the occult, without their knowledge.  Many of our so-called forefathers, the founders of this nation, were deists, followers of a different God than that of the people, believers in white or black magic, or according to some, worshippers of Satan, the Devil, or Lucifer, whatever the true identity of these figures may be.  Through their positions of supreme influence they were able to set in motion a society which would seem classically monotheistic, however still revolve around esoteric principals.

Incredible is it that while the American child of the mid-19th century might have been living in a nightmare, on a desolate unyielding farm, or dealing directly with the horrible atrocities of our needless civil war, that of the mid-20th century was perhaps lucky enough to live in a wonderful fantasy, full of candy, toys, inspiration and television.  It's almost as if, at the turn of the century, everything was restarted, another chance was had, another dream begun.  The pre-industrial family found its religiosity at the source, in church, at home with the Bible, in conversation with brethren.  To them, happiness was secondary to intelligence, righteousness, piety, chastity, simplicity.  The post-modern family, alternatively, sought nothing but the corporeal.  Enjoyment became the paramount goal, and the inclusion of God in one's life became optional, a supplement ingested only when their dreamscape became lacking.  Since its inception the centralized mass media has been called godless, blasphemous, hedonistic and worse, however the true reason Americans gave up on God is not an abandonment of good or regression into primal evil.  The media is worshipped by the people because it is actually a form of testament, full of ecstatic truth and beauteous form.  It is not at all random, but expertly controlled, the offspring of a hidden group which seeks to influence, teach, direct and control.  The manner in which this is achieved is largely due to The Code, the century's secret, the simultaneously dastardly and benevolent endeavor until recently known only to our lordly governors.

The code's main tenet is the "Rule of 3", a simple concept.  The vast majority of all initials used in the centralized global media contain a multiple of 3 according to their place in the alphabet: C (3), F (6), I (9), M (13), P (16), S (19), W (23) and Z (26).  This "3" group of letters is also combined with the "catalyst" group, which includes A (1), B (2), J (10), K (11) and T (20).  The remaining letters are used much less often, and the ideas which they represent are consequently marginalized.  The code is a pliable force, meant to instill in the people uniformity, supply a measure of awe, subliminally teach supreme mathematics, affect their psychology, and imperceptibly alter their behaviors.  Like God, it is something both feared and loved.

Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
Among the most recognizable brands in the world, "Cheerios" follows the "Rule of 3" simply by beginning with C (3).  As A.C.C. (1-3-3), this extension of that brand follows the same rule as the combination of catalyst A (1) with "3" letter C (3).  Products such as these are not named simply because of their ingredients or the flow of their phonetics, but with extreme purpose based on their initials.

Cap'n Crunch
C.C. (3-3) is an eminent pairing in the mass media because the alliteration of C (3) strengthens the public conception of the ideas which it represents.  Additionally, the shortening of "captain" is meant to both trivialize letters and retard public intelligence.

Cocoa Krispies
Here, C (3) is strengthened by catalyst K (11).  "Krispies" is based upon the actual English word "crisp", which is again misspelled here to numb the population to the existence of the code, and to teach them that intended stupidity is funny.

Cocoa Pebbles
C.P. (3-16) is another eminent initial pairing which follows the "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letters C (3) and P (16).

Cocoa Puffs
Again, C.P. (3-16) follows "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letters C (3) and P (16).

Cookie Crisp
As an enigma, the code is your face, yet completely intangible.  That there are separate unrelated cereals called "Cocoa Krispies" and "Cookie Crisp" is meant to confuse the public as to the existence of a grander scheme.  Yet again, the C.C. (3-3) pairing which follows the "Rule of 3".

Count Chocula
Another bastardization of the English language, "Chocula" somehow became a part of our shared vernacular, the horrendous combination of the words "chocolate" and "dracula".  Again, C.C. (3-3) follows the "Rule of 3" as the alliteration of C (3).

Cinnamon Toast Crunch
C.T.C (3-20-3) is a slightly more layered use of the code, following the "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letter C (3) and catalyst T (20).

Corn Flakes
C.F. (3-6) is another eminent pairing in the mass media which follow the "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letters C (3) and F (6).

Corn Pops
The same initials as "Cocoa Pebbles", this famous cereal also follows the "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letters C (3) and P (16).

Frosted Flakes
Alliteration may seem cute or aesthetically pleasing, however in almost all cases the letter being repeated is a "3" letter, therefore following the "Rule of 3", in this case the powerful F (6).

Frosted Mini Wheats
After decades in the public zeitgeist, brands like this one seem like single words, flowing off the tongue naturally.  F.M.W. (6-13-23) is the combination of "3" letters F (6), M (13) and W (23), all "3" letters.

French Toast Crunch
A brand related to "Cinnamon Toast Crunch", this seemingly innocently titled cereal also follows the "Rule of 3" as F.T.C. (6-20-3).  The "3" letters F (6) and C (3) are strengthened through combination with catalyst T (20).

Fruity Pebbles
All of the "Pebbles" brand cereals fit the "Rule of 3" easily.  F.P. (6-16) is another eminent, common pairing which follows the "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letters F (6) and P (16).

Marshmallow Pebbles
M.P. is yet another cereal consisting only of "3" letters.  The M.P. (13-16) follows the "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letters M (13) and P (16).

Product 19
Maybe you've never heard of it, but "Product 19" has been well-known and liked by many Americans for half a century.  Perhaps now you can sense the evil intent of the code, the brazen and insulting manner which it is inflicted upon the good, naive, unaffiliated and unsuspecting people of Earth.  Because the 19th letter is S, this name translates to P.S. (16-19), again following the code's main rule.  This pairing also suggests 6/9, which simplifies to 2/3, or .666, the so-called "number of the beast".

Rice Krispies Treats
R.K.T (18-11-20) combines the catalysts K (11) and T (20) with the "right-sided" letter R (18). What can be observed numerically is that S (19) would naturally fall in between R and T, so supplanting it has significance.

Notably, Snap, Crackle and Pop, the brand's famous mascots, follow the "Rule of 3" as S (19), C (3), and P (16). 

Special K
Any time you see a product consisting of individual numbers or letters, you can be sure that the code is being employed.  Product names such as this exist to lessen the importance the public bestows upon letters.  S.K. (19-11) follows the "Rule of 3" as the combination of "3" letter S (19) and catalyst K (11).

Shredded Wheat
S.W. (19-23) is another eminent pairing of "3" letters, following the code's main rule as the combination of S (19) and W (23).  That the Star Wars franchise uses the same initials is not coincidental.

Waffle Crisp
The common pairing W.C. (23-3) follows the code's main rule as the combination of the powerful "3" letters W (23) and C (3).  The code loves to employ the word "crisp" because it follow the "Rule of 3" in its entirety, C.R.I.S.P. (3-18-9-19-16), besides the R (18).  Moreover, the C.R. (3-18) pairing is common itself because the ratio created between its letters is 1-6, strengthening 6.

As with "Cheerios" it is no coincidence that this product name begins with a "3" letter, in this case W (23).  "Wheaties" is among the world's most recognizable brands, and for it to begin with anything but a "3" letter would be unthinkable for the perpetrators of the code, the Illuminati.

In all cases, the initials of products, or pieces of media, are meant to portray the ideologies of that item itself.  The reason that the "Rule of 3" is so prevalent in American media is that our governors want this side of existence to be given the most credit.  Cereals, for example, do not commonly begin with letters like E (5), G (7), L (12), O (15), Q (17), V (22) or Y (25) because cereal is not meant to contain these metaphorical ingredients.  Cereal is what fuels the beginning of our days, gives us energy, fills our stomachs, stokes our awakening minds.  The "3" group of letters represent these physical ideas.  The remaining letters are what is to come after, which is the surreal, ethereal, religious, unknowable.

The Mass Media Code is the ubiquitous worldwide secret, known only to the Illuminati elite and those lucky enough to acquire the knowledge through other sources.  It is used in literally everything, including books, magazines, films, televisionslogansvideogamesstores and products.  Understanding the code will help you learn to see more clearly through the illusion that is modern society.